After exam i'm kinda tired, and sleep early at night. So i have this strange weird dream. It make me feel that i still love him so much, the strange thing was it was like those romance movie, to chase the one who i love, when he was going to leave this place then have hug and kiss ?
Sky look pretty and calming don't they?
It's like just a normal day after break up, i wonder why i had this dream, it's just like what recently i though of , knowing that he cut his hair like an army solider head, yet all it appearing in my dream, i'm blur i don't know why? I feel want to cry. . .
It's like i'm living in a big mansion, trying to forget him, but at once i hear his leaving here to go his favorite place " Korea " , and in dream is weird i know when is he leaving and on last min i rush to the station ( i wonder why it's kinda oldie, instead of Airport i got a Train Station ). . .
Oh well, once i reach it station i keep running to find him ( i'm blur as always ) until i reach the end of the station, i can't find him. Weird huh? like those romance movie, he like chasing in my back and appearing it front on me, and i feel like crying, then he hug me and kissed me . . .
Then he hugged me to his station place, and telling me his going, i can't stop crying by that time, but all i know after this i'm earning money just to going to Korea to meet him and I woke up just like that, Like the Happy Ending . . .
Although it's just a dream, but i'm so happy that i dreamed about him , still the same old guy i know even his like almost bold his still look handsome no matter how he is.
Oh well , i hope i got enough courage to call him out next time , although i'm not sure does he want to see me again? Times change a lot beside you, you wont realize until you lost it, guess it's true.
Ok, i'm back to sleep, kinda headache now and i got to work later Full Shift !!!
wonder got double pay or not? since today is 1st of May :D 7.12am Finish